Friday, 27 January 2017

MMADAAA Session Four: Navigating the Industry and Chasing Your Dreams: Access All Areas Conference at The Lounge Room Gosford

Access All Areas
Session Four
Navigating the Industry and Chasing your Dreams: L-Fresh the LION, Est, The Profit, Ryan Buckland

Est: As the artist you have to stick to your message, no matter what people say, it is your message. Trust your gut. #mmadaaa17 #Arts

Est: If you listen to too many people you will lose sight of who you are. #mmadaaa17 #Arts

The Profit
The Profit: We lose the ability to celebrate the small things along the way. Don’t have an all or nothing mentality. #mmadaaa17 #Arts

The Profit: Reflect on and celebrate your wins, even the smallest gain is worth celebrating. #mmadaaa17 #Arts

The Profit: Before you know it you will be a few steps further towards your dream. If you don’t – Discouragement #mmadaaa17 #Arts

Ryan Buckland
Ryan Buckland: Don’t lose heart when those you help are not ready to be helped. #mmadaaa17 #Arts

Ryan Buckland: Look after yourself – don’t become discouraged after encouraging other artists that are just not ready for it all. #mmadaaa17 #Arts

Sometimes taking more responsibility than we need too.

L-Fresh the LION
L-Fresh: Build up a solid habit of encouraging yourself. Motivate yourself and tell yourself that you are going to make it. #mmadaaa17 #Arts

L-Fresh: Build up a solid team around you who have your back, they will support you and pick up the slack when you are failing. #mmadaaa17 #Arts

L-Fresh: Teamwork is HUGE. #mmadaaa17 #Arts

Est: Do not compare yourself to anyone. The Music Industry in Australia is very small. #mmadaaa17

Est: Spend time with other artists, do not compete. Go to eachother’s gigs and overcome the competitive streak. #mmadaaa17

Est: Support eachother. Have friends within the Industry – they know where you’re at and can support you in return. #mmadaaa17

Will Small - The Lounge Room Gosford #MMAD4U
The Profit – get a good team and good friends around you. Find people who build you up. #mmadaaa17

The Profit – “Get an Army of Mirrors” Teams with a real buzz and positive energy, they will continue to remind you why you started in the first place. #mmadaaa17

The Profit – Remember why you started making music. Remind yourself and stay positive. #mmadaaa17

The Profit – There are a lot of negative people who know everything about everything. Learn who to listen too. #mmadaaa17

Ryan Buckland: Have fun in your life, don’t get too serious about stuff. Find your happiness – keep it good. #mmadaaa17

Ryan Buckland: Mentorship. Surround yourself with people who you can look up to and speak too. When things fall apart they will be there. #mmadaaa17

Ryan Buckland: Mentors will be able to provide you with so much knowledge and advice. They can guide you through so much. #mmadaaa17

L-Fresh: Music Education – there is no substitute for just DOING IT. Volunteer. Learn as you go. #mmadaaa17

L-Fresh: Know your history, know your culture, speak to your elders, tell the stories. Inform and Empower. #mmadaaa17

Est: I haven’t had one definitive moment when I felt “this gives me power / this gives me knowledge” #mmadaaa17

Est: I’ve had special moments with fans that have made me feel strength and focus. #mmadaaa17

Est: Connecting with the world around me gives me power. #mmadaaa17

The Profit – I am not a Hip Hop Artist – I am a MC. I am not a man who had a baby – I am a FATHER. Define yourself accurately and give yourself power. #mmadaaa17

L-Fresh: In this industry it is easy to get “big on yourself” full of yourself. You need to filter the compliments etc and stay grounded. #mmadaaa17

L-Fresh: Remind yourself that none of this is yours, it belongs to a higher power. Just be grateful and stay grounded. #mmadaaa17

Est: Stay grounded. Whether you have a team or a fanbase, there is so much hard work being done to keep you where you are. #mmadaaa17

Est: Remember that everyone has their own journey. #mmadaaa17

Est: Don’t compare yourself, better understand people and this will help bring humility. #mmadaaa17

The Profit – Knowledge of self is real foundational stuff, if part of who you are is solidly set on being humble no matter what season you’re in. #mmadaaa17

The Profit – We wan’t to be the type of guys who will talk to the sound guy, stand in the front when others are performing 1 / 2 #mmadaaa17

 The Profit – Encouraging and empowering others while they are performing, surround ourselves with other muso’s and sharpen each other 2 / 2 #mmadaaa17

The Profit – don’t lose the humility. Keep people who love you close. They will be able to keep you grounded. #mmadaaa17

MMADAAA Session Three: The Power of Music (and the Arts) for Building our Community: Access All Areas Conference at The Lounge Room Gosford

Access All Areas
Session Four
The Power of Music (and the Arts) for building our community: Louise Sawilejskij GM of The Rhythm Hut in Gosford. 

Dictionary Reference: Community: A social unit of any size that shares common values #mmadaaa17

Inclusivity: Culturally -> Acknowledging original owners of the land. All music genres. #ThePowerOfMusic #mmadaaa17

Inclusivity: Diversity -> All types of people. Make sure that all people feel welcome. Change the perception. #ThePowerOfMusic #mmadaaa17

Inclusivity: Communication -> All types of people. Remember to accept all personality types, be able to reach out. #ThePowerOfMusic #mmadaaa17

Inclusivity: Accessibility -> be accessible to helpers, let people assist you in reaching your goals. Team work is key. #ThePowerOfMusic #mmadaaa17

Inclusivity: Open -> Listen to your inner voice. Be open to change. Flexibility is good! #ThePowerOfMusic #mmadaaa17

Artists in a community have a really beautiful way of getting behind one another, and connecting opportunities. #mmadaaa17

Connection: Community is built on connection! “The opposite of Addiction is Connection” #mmadaaa17

Connection: Human connection - we need human interaction, group settings, music classes etc. #mmadaaa17

Connection: Challenge: Find ways to build connection in your community. #mmadaaa17

Collaborate: Opens your community – leads to new ventures and adventures! #mmadaaa17

Collaborate: Double your powers – Double exposure – Do awesome stuff! Fuels and challenges creativity #mmadaaa17

Collaborate: @RhythmHut and The Lounge Room Gosford collaborate and this equals great things in #Gosford! #mmadaaa17

Meet Up: Go to every event, #Music #ArtExhibition #BookLaunches #FilmScreening #Gosford! #mmadaaa17

Meet Up: Networking -> Line up meetings -> Formal or Informal -> Keep hustling #Gosford! #mmadaaa17

Meet Up: Talk to Strangers #NoStrangerDanger #Networking #Opportunities to Connect. #Gosford! #mmadaaa17

#1RULE – Don’t forget the LOVE! #Arts #Opportunities to Connect. #Gosford! #mmadaaa17

MMADAAA Session Two: The Ins and Outs of the Songwriting Industry: Access All Areas Conference at The Lounge Room Gosford

Access All Areas
Session Two
The Ins and Outs of the Songwriting Industry: Gina Jeffreys and Rod McCormack #mmadaaa17

A prevalent issue in songwriting by new writers, is the use of too many words, lyrics rushed. #mmadaaa17

Write out your fave song, and study the structure & rhyme scheme – try to emulate that. #mmadaaa17

If your song title asks a question – answer it in the song. Tell the full story. Stick to the subject. #mmadaaa17

Take your fave song, look at the lyrics, think about the meter–count syllables. Exercise: Write new lyrics based on the old song. #mmadaaa17

#Lyrics “To say much, in so little time, with so little space… is really hard to do. So do it well.” – Rod McCormack #mmadaaa17

Lyric writing rules are always flexible. What works could literally be reversed and still work. #mmadaaa17

“The number one secret to success: is kindness and helping others. If you’re an assh-le that negative word will spread like wildfire…” #mmadaaa17

MMADAAA Session One: Creativity and Land: Access All Areas Conference at The Lounge Room Gosford

l-r Will Small, Phil Pallas, Izzy, Chang Po Ching, Dr Rod Patterson

Access All Areas Conference (Arts)
Session One Live Tweets @sandybigaradiva
Creativity and Land: Phil Pallas social Worker, Izzy Hip Hop Artist, Chang Po Ching Youth Worker and Music mentor, Dr Rod Patterson Art Historian and Social Worker – arts.

Knowing your heritage and your roots is a powerful thing – it enhances your personal experience and can shape and form your future focus. #mmadaaa17

Being aware of culture – the mass of cultures around us – using elements of that culture to influence our artistic growth. #mmadaaa17

Being aware of FROM and ARE – You are FROM somewhere but you ARE living out your walk possibly somewhere else. #mmadaaa17

Trying to forget the negative context associated with “Cultural Appropriation” (the negative view espoused by angry and frustrated people 1 / 2 #mmadaaa17

 …accept & encourage “Cultural Influence and Cultural Tolerance” promoted by those willing to share their cultural practices and ideology with others.  2 / 2 #mmadaaa17

Feeling as if you have no history or heritage can be a hard cross to bear. Sharing culture can alleviate that feeling of homelessness #mmadaaa17

People need to really think about #AustraliaDay debate and realise the impact of this Culturally sensitive date on Indigenous people. #mmadaaa17

As artists we have the responsibility to create dialogue and convey a message re #AustraliaDay #ChangeTheDate #mmadaaa17

26th January will never be a date that unites/unifies the peoples. As #artists how do we assist in this change? #AustraliaDay #mmaadaaa17

There is much to be done to fill in our History books with truths, including ALL cultural stories. Even ugly truths need to be learned about. #mmaadaaa17

More people than ever are speaking openly about Aboriginal issues. This is a positive change & shows an upward trend in reconciliation. #mmaadaaa17

There has been a real loss of culture and languages on the East coast. There are challenges facing Indigenous peoples wrt this. 1/2 #mmaadaaa17

The challenge facing artists is how to bring awareness – “Art has communicating power” it is our responsibility. 2/2 #mmaadaaa17

“A true Artist is someone who speaks for the people – we speak for Australia” – Chang Po Ching #mmaadaaa17

“We can’t listen if we don’t love, we can’t love if we don’t listen” – Chang Po Ching #mmaadaaa17

“We became brothers by Freestyling together, even though we didn’t understand each others language” - Izzy #Unity #mmaadaaa17

Practical Application:

“I want my private and my public life to be in this space called “The Studio” – it’s where mistakes are made…” – Dr Rod Patterson #mmaadaaa17

“Find out what your story is. Be gracious with people. Ask questions. Learn more” – Izzy #mmaadaaa17

“Find someone who speaks your language (your message) and get them to speak WITH you, to others” – Chang Po Ching #mmaadaaa17

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

URGENT: Kidnapped Baby Returned Home Safely!

Fantastic news!! 
Baby Kalais has been returned to her Mum. 
What a phenomenal response from the community on the Central Coast. So many shares and support. 

A very welcome and happy ending. We hope that the family are able to work through everything and have a long and happy life Xx 

Monday, 23 January 2017

DIARY: Sisters

Whether we come from stable homes, or from dysfunctional ones, there is something very special about the bond that sisters share.

When a sisterhood bond is torn or broken for any reason, there is always pain that echoes and lingers through the years. It is something so painful, that only reparation and restoration can cure it.

Hearing my daughters (7 and 9) fight, play, laugh, yell, work together and drive each other nuts over this very long Christmas vacation has been amazing to watch. They can annoy each other to the point of insanity, but with very little effort they are back together again having fun, giggling, and bonding.

My sister and I are separated by 12,000kms… it is harder some days, thankfully she is really great at keeping in touch – an area where I struggle. Seeing her name pop up with a message or joke in the morning when I wake up, is the best feeling. Knowing that I can literally tell her anything and she will give solid advice, knowing how funny she is when she has had some wine and brings out her jazz collection – listening to her quiet voice messages of her singing songs just for my ears. Really precious. I wish she were closer.

If you have a sister, give her a call. 
Send her a message. 
Sisters are very precious. 

LOOK LOCAL: Peppercorn Park Horses Interview on Friday!

Photo via: Peppercorn Park Horses 

I'm very excited to say that I have my first interview for 2017 coming up - for an article - this Friday actually!

I'm a little bit *too* excited... 🙊

I will be spending time at Peppercorn Park Horses on Friday in Jilliby NSW, with my two divatjies in tow.

It seems I will be riding a Horse for the first time in years! I'm hoping that 'muscle memory' is an actual thing, and that I won't fall off / make an idiot of myself / pretend I'm riding a My Little Pony. I can't wait for that divine Horse smell 💗 the best in the world.

I'm having my younger divas' birthday party at Peppercorn Park in July and seeing her tear around the house asking "how long till July??!" was totally worth it! 😉

I can't wait to find out more about this lovely venue and meet the ponies and horses!

And yes, it's 00:28. I'm keen as.

They can be contacted via their FACEBOOK PAGE 
Or via phone:

Sunday, 22 January 2017

URGENT: Missing Baby in Newcastle/Morriset NSW Australia

Baby Kalais is back home with her Mother! She is safe in her Mum's arms 💗
Thank you to all who shared and commented. And thank you to the NSW Police for their hard work, mostly a big congrats on a safe and happy return to Kalais' SuperMum. 
Read the NSW Police post HERE

Danny Reid and Kalais

 The outfit Kalais was wearing the day she was taken.
Photos provided via Facebook.  

Can everyone PLEASE keep an eye out for a very little baby girl, Kalais Chevell'e, that has been taken by her Father.

Her dad, Danny Reid took off with her from Morriset, New South Wales, Australia, at about 3pm, Sunday 22nd January 2017 - during a supervised visit. 

He is mentally incapable of caring for her. (She is very small and also exclusively breast fed) There is a recent and ongoing history of drug abuse, physical abuse and threats. We are all worried about her whereabouts and her safety. 

Unsure of their whereabouts, there have been sightings in Morriset NSW, but please keep an eye out and call police 000 ASAP if they are sighted or if you see anything related to this. 

Please share around - the more people see baby Kalais Chevell'e the better. 

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

DIARY: First Day of School

It's time people. Buckle up. 

Oh gosh. Already. Ok.

Being from South Africa, a lot of my friends online are sending their kids back to school earlier than we will in New South Wales. 

South African first-day-of-school photo deluge incoming!

Followed shortly by status posts warning about pedos.

Followed by warnings about posting photos of your child, their uniform, their school, and their drop off times. 

Followed by more emotionally motivated, badly taken photos, of mildy apprehensive crotchfruits in baggy uni's and too-big shoes.

"Thank goodness" We will all think smugly, as we scroll down our school coloured newsfeeds,
"Thank goodness OUR children don't look like these!" :)

PS. I am joking. I love all of your cute little genetic creations <3 

Monday, 9 January 2017

HEALTH & FITNESS: Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and Exercise

Exercises. You see a cool chart, I see the result: (numbered to match the numbers of the chart)

1) Dislocate kneecaps, feel wrist bones compressing into the hand bones. 

2) Dislocate pelvis and pubis bones.

3) Lower back spasm causing issues with leg movement whIle walking.

4) Shoulder spasm and spasm of the hips and sciatic area.

5) Entire lower back clicks and subluxiates from ribs to pelvis, cue sciatica and leg cramps. Also lying on the floor causes the back of the pelvis to move out of alignment - pain in coccyx and legs. Causes knees to move out of their place, causing foot cramps. 

#EDS #EDSAwareness Google "What is EDS?"

Thursday, 5 January 2017

DIARY: When I'm a Teenager Will I Hate You Mum?

"Mom, it's so weird that when I'm a teenager I'm going to treat you badly. It's sad because we're friends - but it's going to happen eventually."
"What will?"
"Well, I will be all mean to you all the time and you will make me embarrassed and stuff - why will I?"
"Well, let's just get one thing straight ok?"
"Pop culture tells you from the beginning that you will become nasty and mean and horrible towards me when you're a teenager right?"
"Yeah. It's everywhere"
"Well I will tell you now, you have a choice. You can choose to treat people well, or badly. You can choose to treat me badly now while you're 9, or when you are a teen."
"When you are a teenager your body is full of hormones and changes, and just like mommy gets PMS, you will sometimes feel grumpy. And if you say 'Mum I'm sorry, I'm so grumpy today' then I will probably make you a Milo, give you a cuddle and then give you heaps of space if you need it - and maybe even a chocolate."
"That sounds better to me..."
"...and if you make the decision to treat me badly.... Well, you're going to have a bad time."
"Well, do you know how hard it is to go out and have fun with your mates when you're broke? Or grounded and in trouble? And how much it sucks using the bus? It will be way better if I drop you off places etc and if you need money, or clothes and shoes I can help etc... But not if you're treating me badly. No way. Relationships and friendships don't work that way."
"So just remember, watch your mouth and attitude when dealing with your Mum. Because I'm the absolute best friend you will EVER have, I've got your back for the rest of my life, and if things go wrong you will ALWAYS be able to come straight to me."
"I like that better than the fighting thing..."
"I've known friends that never treated their mums badly. They were friends - actual good friends - with their mums and were happier. So let's leave it at that"

DIARY: Flying Roaches and the Leather Flip Flop

So something just happened. 

Sandy's point of view:
So Sav (almost 9) and I were hanging out in my room, snuggle time and time for and jokes and chilling. Suddenly I heard a click as a flying roach flew through the open window and wooden blinds... I thought it was a month. They're cute, right? So I was scared because it was a bit big and flying like a wasp on crack. 
Then it swooped over us and we both saw the body shape.   




Throwing sheets over our heads and then realising that it would land on us!!! 

I dove from the bed screaming for Francis to help.

He didn't.

I got out of the room and Sav slammed into me with the sheet still attached to her foot. All of the bedding and pillows were all over the place. I think Sav was connected to all of it somehow.

Francis ran away "looking for bug spray" while I pounced on it with my flip flop and dispatched of it forthwith.

Very regal.

Lots of cat moves. 

Managed to chuck the roach into the loo. 

Sheer horror. 

----    ----    ----    ----

Savanna's point of view:
I saw something big flying around the room. And I heard my mum jump out of the bed and scream.
So, I pulled the sheet over my head, and heard my mum open the door so I jumped out of the bed and my foot got tangled in the sheet! I pulled the sheet halfway across the room and my foot was caught in the pillow case as well... And I jumped out of the door and screamed.

My legs were shaking... A LOT!

Mom killed it.

Dad cowered in fear.

So did Kelsey.

...And me.

No more roaches please!!

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

BREAKING: Fiji Earthquake Tsunami Warning Issued

A 7.0 magnitude quake has hit Fiji. It was initially registered as being 7.2 but was downgraded.

The quake struck 10km deep, south west of the island nation of Fiji, approximately 227km away.

There is no threat to New Zealand

@NZcivildefence "There is no tsunami threat to New Zealand following the 7.2M earthquake south of Fiji at 10:53am NZ time." - Source: Twitter.

Photo source: 

Monday, 2 January 2017

SNAPCHAT: Doggo What!?

So we were bored.
We opened SnapChat and this cute dogger filter was there...
This happened.
(Warning: short clip)

DIET and LIFESTYLE: Sugar Free Sucks!

I am currently day 4 Sugar Free.
It's hell.
I come from a long line of diabetics, my Father and Grandmother both lost their legs due to diabetes and both died as a result of complications.
I like my feet.
I also eat a hell of a lot of sugar - I didn't realize it but I was increasing my sugar intake over time, only enjoying sweet things. I had made a huge effort to cut down on sugar in the year, but it slowly crept back up again.

I don't know if I will succeed but I have to give it a good go.

I am avoiding all added sugar (by me into coffees etc) and all sugary products (treats, sweets, puddings) but I am still eating regular food which does sometimes have added sugars. 
I am not looking for recipes. 
I am not looking for links to websites that will tell me what to do. 
Thanks though xx 

Day 1
This was Exhaustion day - I felt really tired and heavy the entire day, spent most of my time lying down.

Day 2
This was the Hallucination day - literally tasting condensed milk in my mouth and standing in front of the pantry gripping the door like some Revenant Vampirical Sugar Demon.

Day 3
This was Headache day - pounding headache in my skull and down my neck. I managed to get out of bed by lunch time and had a nice evening out with the family. Headache didn't go. Noticed that I was more alert when we got home. Like the fog had started to lift. Oh yes, I dropped a STACK of fluid retention. I kid you not - three loo trips per hour - for two hours - busting to go!

Day 4
This is Headache but no Cravings day - my head still feels like it's about to crack open. But I am feeling more energetic and thinking clearly (headache is not helping with this!) I am also as gumpy as fuck.
Still dropping fluids.
On the plus side, my right hand ring finger which has been all arthritic and stiff since August... is about 50% better. 50% less painful. More flexibility. I'm feeling hopeful!

They say the first week is the worst and that it's easy after that.
3 days to go...

In the meantime, I'm going to be grumpy and watch Netflix because I'm on holiday. Also, I will probably think a lot about the chocolate cupcakes I'm not baking and the Nutella I'm not licking off a spoon.

Sugar Free Sucks but it's worth it.

UPDATE: Still Day 4 - Headache is back and worse than before *crying emoji*

Worth a read:

SOCIAL MEDIA: Unfollowing the Racists

This is the year that I continue my unfollowing of people with backwards racist agendas. 

If you are black and stir up racist arguments on Facebook (under the guise of emancipation from "whiteness") even if I love you with all of my heart, I'm unfollowing. If it's really bad, I'm blocking. 

The concept of white vs black is a political and social engineering agenda being played out in Africa and in the USA/UK. 
A people united are a people that government cannot control. 
I will not take part. 
The ONLY way forward is in unity, understanding and tolerance. 

Let me tell you why.

I love and support and believe in ALL of my black brothers and sisters, and I won't let a few racist black people paint you all as weak, inferior or broken in some way, you are KINGS and QUEENS of Africa - you have major challenges to face (as some of you have told me) but you have to navigate through 2017+++ as black legends. There is no one who can do that but you. 

You are artists, businessmen, entrepreneurs, writers, bloggers, photographers, politicians, choreographers, videographers and more. You have Africa in your hands and a big challenge to go with it. 

Forget these brother and sister fools who make you feel angry and useless and inferior.
(I notice that a lot of them are considered to be higy successful, with ties to government...)  Because you are not useless, and you are not Inferior.  
No way.
You are unique, and powerful. 

I love you and believe in your efforts. 
I cheer your successes and I cry when you struggle. 

Start unfollowing people who spew hatred, anger, racial divide and frustration onto your timeline just to get comments and "debates"  

Visualise where you NEED to be and go for it. 

Don't let them steal your thunder.

Sunday, 1 January 2017

JANUARY LINEUP: Sandy Bigara Performances

4th January : 10am (Traditional Jazz & Classical) 
Busking: All that Jazz
Imperial Mall

6th January : 11am (Traditional Jazz & Classical) 
Busking: All that Jazz
Avoca Main Road

10 & 11th January : 1 - 3pm (Storytelling & Music/Drama Workshop)
The Rhythm Hut - Singa-Little-Longa

15th January : 4 - 7pm FREE (Host/MC, Stand Up Comedy, STARVIKING)
Gosford Regional Gallery

17th January (Djembe Drumming for Children) 
Djembe Drums with WOOSH Holiday care

18th January (Djembe Drumming for Children)
Djembe Drums with CHOOSH Holiday care

18th January : 10am (Children's Music and Entertainment)
Erina Fair - Summer Festival (Kids)

19th January ((Djembe Drumming for Children)
Djembe CHOOSH & WOOSH Holiday care

20th January : 11am (Children's Music and Entertainment)
Erina Fair - Summer Festival (Kids)

SHOWBIZ: Mariah Carey New Years Eve Disaster!

The most common commentary:
"Wow, pretty embarrassing! She wasn't even trying. Also what's with not being able to walk down the stair? She had to be held by 2 guys and carried down. She became too big of a diva. Mariah, just know there is competition left to right unless you want to become a washed up has-been." - Agnes Majeed

The least common commentary:
"Her monitors weren't working so she couldn't hear herself. You try singing without any audio feedback and not being able to hear yourself. It won't be pretty." - Adam Hempy


As a performer with over 20 years experience, it is horrifying how people with ZERO experience on stage, are suddenly accusing her of LIP SYNCHING... Um...

 I have to speak up, as a singer myself, She was set to sing live, there are always vocals playing faintly to help the singer track the songs progress (I have the same settings) the sound technician fucked up BADLY and she had zero monitors on stage - she couldn't hear anything, only the key of the music but not where it was in the song. 

You see how every now and then she is able to find where the song is due to the tracking vocals? - she tries to pick it up but really can't hear the music. 

It's a NIGHTMARE for singers. 

Horrid horrid. 

This kind of scenario is what makes me so nervous of events where I don't control the sound. It's why there is a strong chance that I will perform at my own independent shows almost like a club dj - with my sound desk set up near me. 

We can rehearse and work so hard for months leading up to a performance, only to have it all messed up by a sound or technical issue. 

Also, as a composer, with my electronica music, I choose to have multiple layers of my voice singing with me in the track, I create a "choir" with harmonies, doubled vocals etc. My on stage character is not 'human' and so she creates a host of vocals at once.

Will people have a hissy fit and accuse my creative style of being a lip synch? Utter rubbish. Let professional performers style their back tracks as they please. 

Mariah Carey was given an impossible task. To sing a medley on stage, with a roaring crowd and ZERO monitors. 

She couldn't hear the music. 

End of story.

(Picture Source: