Monday, 31 March 2008

The Day That I B****slapped The Pill Back To Schering Where It Belongs…

It all started innocently, a lovely young lady, full of love and joy gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Two and a half months later she was handed a shiny foil pack, numbers, days, pills and colours filled the sheet and it glowed with the hope of NOT falling pregnant again for at least another two years…

The first day went well, no changed occurred and life continued as usual. The girl was her normal self, smiling, laughing thinking rationally and all seemed to be going well. At about day 5 things started to go pear shaped as the girl started feeling irrational emotions and temper flared its ugly head time and time again…

By day 7 a haggard, unkempt creature loped into the kitchen, stared around with red blood shot eyes at the world beyond her tiled domain. The gleam of the assortment of available weapons called to her (aren’t kitchens dangerous? damn!) and she contemplated the assault on all and sundry who walked within her earshot (It was the wife…in the kitchen…with the carving knife)

It was at this point that this dark and dangerous creature realised that her transformation had taken on the sinister form of a small. White. Pill.

That night at church as she ranted before God asking him why she felt so awful, she realised with full clarity that the Melodine Pill was altering her personality and yes,...even possibly her genetic make-up. She had to do away with the drug, she had to do the unpopular option and get a Mirena Device fitted. From the moment of her deciding she felt the darkness lift from her mind and soul, her husband looked on in shocked surprise as she started, falteringly, to laugh again.

Well, today is the first day of my pill-less existence. Bring on the Mirena.

Sands x aka the-monster-in-the-kitchen

1 comment:

  1. hahaha! Well written Sands...I never believed being on the pill made such a big difference in my life until I stopped taking it and now I am definitely a much happier person!


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